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Construction Buddies Awareness

Understanding ADHD in Adults: How to Recognize It and What to Expect

What is ADHD (symptoms)? Does your friend or loved one have it?

Around 2.8% of adults have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. 

This number seems small at first glance, but in the context of billions of people over the age of 18, it is pretty significant. 

Also, recognizing the symptoms may be more difficult than you think. 

As a result, some adults with ADHD do not receive proper treatment, and it affects their mental health and overall quality of life.

In this situation, knowing is caring, and we are here to help you see the warning signs of ADHD.    

What Are the 9 Symptoms of ADHD?

Some people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD may show fewer symptoms over time, but there are those who continue experiencing difficulty well into adulthood. 

1. Lack of Focus

One of the most telling signs of people with ADHD is a lack of focus. 

Adults with ADHD can’t seem to listen or follow through on instructions. 

What is more, they can be easily distracted by simple things like the sound of typing or a buzzing mobile.   

This makes them more susceptible to careless mistakes, to the point that they sometimes could not finish tasks. 

2. Too Much Focus

On the flip side, someone with ADHD may also pay close attention to details and become oblivious to their surroundings. 

This hyperfocus sometimes causes them to lose track of time or fail to pay attention to people around them, resulting in relationship difficulties.  

3. Poor Memory

It is also very common for a person with ADHD to be forgetful in daily activities. 

While it is part of human nature, this happens more often to someone who lives with ADHD.  

It can be difficult to distinguish someone with this mental health disorder from a healthy person who is just prone to error, so it is important that ADHD is diagnosed properly.    

4. Impulsivity

Do you know a hyperactive, impulsive person who is quiet one moment and then suddenly interrupts or intrudes on a conversation or gives the answer before a question is finished? 

This points to impulsiveness, which is another sign of ADHD.  

Another telltale sign is if someone appears to not listen when spoken to or act without considering the consequences.

5. Disorganised  

Hyperactivity may also cause people to have trouble prioritising important things over lesser ones. 

If you know someone experiencing more difficulty with time management or in organizing tasks in any way, it might be a good idea to help them out instead of judging them. 

6. Poor Self Image

Living with ADHD comes with a unique set of challenges, and failure to cope with these challenges can cause a person to be critical of oneself.    

This negative self-image often leads to poor performance at work, school, or in relationships. 

It is important for us to let them know that these difficulties are caused by ADHD and not their personal failures. 

7. Lack of Motivation

There are studies showing that children with ADHD exhibit a lack of motivation, but it is also true for adults with this condition. 

It is difficult for children with ADHD to focus on schoolwork in the same way that adults can struggle at work.  

That is why the diagnosis of ADHD is important for both children and adults. 

8. Restlessness

People with this condition often seem restless, as if driven by a motor that just won’t stop. They have a vast reserve of nervous energy even as a sustained mental effort is difficult for them. 

Because of this, a child and even an adult with ADHD taps the feet or squirms around frequently. 

9. Mood Swings

Another one of the common symptoms of ADHD include sudden shifts in mood. This is understandable as ADHD can put one’s emotions in a constant flux of boredom and excitement.   

What Triggers ADHD Symptoms?

While there is no cure for ADHD, there are ways to manage its symptoms, whether in children or teens and adults. 

One is by being aware of the triggers. 

Common triggers include stress, certain foods, lack of sleep, and overstimulation.  

What Does ADHD Do to a Person?

An adult with ADHD often has low levels of dopamine, a hormone closely linked to good emotions. 

This is one of the many reasons why the feeling of anxiety often won’t go away without behavioral therapy, leading to mood disorder, inattention, and other forms of health disorders.

Children with ADHD may have trouble at school while adults may struggle to find success in their careers. 

Still, with better understanding of the question of what is ADHD (symptoms), we can help them live meaningful and productive lives.   

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